Accounting Rate Card Setup UX Design:
Employee rates vary based on different circumstances.
UX Designer
Responsive Desktop App
Wireframes, Mockups
Complex Relations
Aiwyn's users use their software to track employee rates via rate cards. The problem is there is some complexity to the relation between the following:
1. Task Types
Employees track the type of work done.
Ex: Customer Meeting
2. Rate Types
Employee role determines rate for the same task type
Ex: Standard vs Premium
3. Effective Date
Rate cards are updated annually with a new effective date.
In short, an employee with a specific role could have a different rate for the same task, and that rate expires on a certain date compared to other employees.
To address this, I created a mockup and short presentation (see above) for a first-time onboarding workflow for users to set up this information. I did make one mistake with this design in that it was mobile. If I had to do this project over again, I would exclusively choose a responsive desktop design.